A Wind in the House of Islam – David Garrison


Book ID: 108711 | Title: A Wind in the House of Islam | Author: David Garrison | Category: Non – Fiction * Net | Binding: Trade | Edition: | Publisher: | Condition: Good

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Book ID: 108711 | Title: A Wind in the House of Islam | Author: David Garrison | Category: Non – Fiction * Net | Binding: Trade | Edition: | Publisher: | Condition: Good


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About the book

A Wind in the House of Islam investigates the phenomenon of millions of Muslims who are turning to faith in Jesus Christ today. Over the course of Islamic history tens of millions of Christians were absorbed into the House of Islam. But what about the opposite? Have there ever been movements of Muslim communities who voluntarily turned to Jesus Christ and were baptized? The first 13 centuries of Islam's history saw only three movements numbering at least a thousand Muslims turning to Christianity, apart from those that were coerced through wars, Crusades and Inquisitions. Today, the story is changing. Over the past two decades there have been 69 additional movements of Muslims to Christ scattered across the Muslim world from West Africa to Indonesia. In an unprecedented global survey, Dr. David Garrison, Ph.D. University of Chicago, traveled a quarter-million miles throughout the House of Islam to find out why and how this is happening today. His research took him into every corner of the Muslim world where he gathered more than a thousand interviews of Muslim-background followers of Jesus Christ. His core question: What did God use to bring you to faith in Jesus Christ? A Wind in the House of Islam reveals their stories, and David Garrison's journey through all nine Rooms in the House of Islam, where he discovered that the Wind of God's Spirit is blowing through every one of them. A Wind in the House of Islam is a 328-page book written in an engaging style, but also includes a glossary of Islamic terms, a bibliography for further reading, endnotes, 11 maps with data tables of Muslim populations, 46 photographs, and excerpts from more than a thousand interviews. Each of the book's 15 chapters conclude with discussion questions to facilitate small group dialogue and discovery. Learn more about the book at: www.WindintheHouse.org