The Lavender Keeper – Fiona McIntosh


Book ID: 95386 | Title: The Lavender Keeper | Author: Fiona McIntosh | Category: Ficton | Binding: Trade | Edition: | Publisher: | Condition: Good

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Book ID: 95386 | Title: The Lavender Keeper | Author: Fiona McIntosh | Category: Ficton | Binding: Trade | Edition: | Publisher: | Condition: Good


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About the book

Lavender farmer Luc Bonet is raised by a wealthy Jewish family in the foothills of the French Alps. When the Second World War breaks out he joins the French Resistance, leaving behind his family's fortune, their home overrun by soldiers, their lavender fields in disarray. Lisette Forestier is on a mission of her own- to work her way into the heart of a senior German officer - and to bring down the Reich in any way she can. What Luc and Lisette hadn't counted on was meeting each other. When they come together at the height of the Paris occupation, German traitors are plotting to change the course of history. But who, if anyone, can be trusted? As Luc and Lisette's emotions threaten to betray them, their love may prove the greatest risk of all. By the bestselling author of The French Promise 'An enthralling, evocative read.' Woman's Day 'McIntosh writes a cracking tale that plunges you right into the heart of occupied Paris, the London Blitz and the rugged beauty of the South of France . . . it's hard not to keep turning the pages.' Indaily.