The Parish of St. Mel’s (1980) – John O’Brien


Book ID: 64229 | Title: The Parish of St. Mel’s (1980) | Author: John O’Brien | Category: Ficton | Binding: Hardcover | Edition: | Publisher: | Condition: Good

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Book ID: 64229 | Title: The Parish of St. Mel’s (1980) | Author: John O’Brien | Category: Ficton | Binding: Hardcover | Edition: | Publisher: | Condition: Good


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About the book

"Exploring the Parish of Christ Church St Laurence" charts the history of this important Sydney Anglican church, describing its development since 1838 as a centre of Anglican worship in the 'High Church' tradition. This development is looked at in the context of the strong evangelical tradition of the Anglican Diocese of Sydney.The lives of all rectors to date are described, with emphasis on their contributions to the churches development as a anglocatholic stronghold.The author uses a wide range of historical sources, plus his own 65 years experience of the parish.The book outlines the major conflicts that Christ Church experienced with the Sydney Diocese over liturgical matters, especially during the 19th and 20th centuries.The book also explores and describes the churches urban setting, tracing the history and development of the at times slum-ridden and crime prone surroundings it served.