Twilight’s Child – Virginia Andrews


Book ID: 99164 | Title: Twilight’s Child | Author: Virginia Andrews | Category: Fiction | Binding: Hardcover | Edition: | Publisher: | Condition: Good

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Book ID: 99164 | Title: Twilight’s Child | Author: Virginia Andrews | Category: Fiction | Binding: Hardcover | Edition: | Publisher: | Condition: Good


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About the book

At last Dawn is happy. She has found her beautiful baby daughter Christie, and she and Jimmy have finally married. Although she has had to abandon her singing career, she is a huge success as the new owner of the Cutler's Cove hotel. Yet still Dawn cannot quell her forebodings of evil. She can sense Grandmother Cutler's presence and her bitter hatred everywhere. And when she makes the shameful discovery that her brother Philip still harbours romantic feelings towards her, Dawn can only hope that his impending marriage will curb his mad desire. Her spiteful, jealous sister, Clara, is far easier to ignore - until her childish rage explodes into violence, causing unspeakable tragedy.