Midnight Whispers – Virginia Andrews


Book ID: 51019 | Title: Midnight Whispers | Author: Virginia Andrews | Category: Fiction | Binding: Paperback | Edition: | Publisher: | Condition: Good

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Book ID: 51019 | Title: Midnight Whispers | Author: Virginia Andrews | Category: Fiction | Binding: Paperback | Edition: | Publisher: | Condition: Good


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About the book

Happy and innocent, Dawn's daughter Christie has grown up in the safest, most loving of homes. Yet she can't help feeling as though a dark cloud hovers over Cutler's Cove - a cloud whose origins lie in her family's troubled history and the many questions that no one, not even Dawn, will answer. Then, in one harsh night, Christie's world is changed for ever. Shocked to discover her Uncle Philip's unbrotherly love for her mother, Christie flees to The Meadows, the Virginia plantation where she was born. But The Meadows is blighted by its own dark secrets and, as the black storms of evil gather round her, Christie must struggle to break the cruel bonds of the past and defy the curse that has haunted Cutler's Cove for generations.