The Forever Girl – Alexander Mccall Smith (S)


Book ID: 35707 | Title: The Forever Girl | Author: Alexander Mccall Smith (S) | Category: Crime fiction | Binding: Softcover | Edition: | Publisher: | Condition: Good

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Book ID: 35707 | Title: The Forever Girl | Author: Alexander Mccall Smith (S) | Category: Crime fiction | Binding: Softcover | Edition: | Publisher: | Condition: Good


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About the book

Clover has loved James for as long as she can remember, since before she knew what what love was. But fate seems determined to keep them apart. As children, Clover and James played beside a turquoise sea under cloudless skies, their Caribbean island home a place of pleasure and privilege, of lush lawns and tennis parties. In such a paradise nothing should obstruct the kind of happiness Clover dreams of, except that, as she discovers, true love is often harder than paradise allows for. And when Clover's mother falls out of love with her husband, a web of complications is woven that may take Clover a lifetime to unravel. If she ever can . . . Tender and true, The Forever Girl traces love's unpredictable path to maturity with style, wit and feeling.