The Missing Martyrs – Charles Kurzman


Book ID: 108742 | Title: The Missing Martyrs | Author: Charles Kurzman | Category: Non – Fiction * Net | Binding: Hardcover | Edition: | Publisher: | Condition: Good

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Book ID: 108742 | Title: The Missing Martyrs | Author: Charles Kurzman | Category: Non – Fiction * Net | Binding: Hardcover | Edition: | Publisher: | Condition: Good

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Weight 12.8 g


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About the book

In this startlingly counterintuitive book, a leading authority on Islamic movements demonstrates that terrorist groups are thoroughly marginal in the Muslim world. Charles Kurzman draws on government sources, public opinion surveys, election results, and in-depth interviews with Muslims in the Middle East and around the world, finding that while young Muslims are indeed angry at the West, they are simply not attracted to terrorist methods. This revised edition, updated to include the self-proclaimed "Islamic State," concludes that fear of terrorism should be brought into alignment with the actual level of threat, and that government policies and public opinion should be based on evidence rather than alarmist hyperbole.